December 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes


Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Notes

Meeting Date and Time:  December 12 , 2023, at 6 PM

Location:  India and Brooks Home, Christmas Party

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:52 and was presided over by President Jennifer Green.

Board Members in attendance: Lea Bryant, India White, Bailey Acosta, Gwen St Clair

Board Members absent: Glenda Garrett, Bonnie McCraig, Kelli Thielemann

Associate members in attendance: Courtnery Pacheco, Brooks White, Shena Jones, Leah Mlynczyk.

Consideration and Action Items

  1.  Effective with the January meeting, Board Meetings will be move to 2nd Tuesday of the month at City Hall.
  2. The Treasurer position will remain with Jennifer Green until May elections.

  1. A budget needs to be set for 2024.  All board members should have individual budget requests for January Meeting.

  1. Follow up Casino Night recap and general fundraising meeting set for January 16, 5pm at Brookson Office.

  1. The Gaston House project is not clear to proceed until SUP (Special Use Permit) is approved.  Jennifer Green meeting with city to clarify.

  1. Shift our focus to promoting Justin Heritage Foundation and our mission January 2024.

Agenda, Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 9, 5pm at City Hall.

The proposed agenda for the next meeting:

2024 Budget

Follow up on SUP

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 by President Jennifer Green.

Minutes submitted by Gwen St. Clair.

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