February 2, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Time: February 2, 2023, at 5:00 PM

Meeting Location:  via Zoom

The regular meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green with Bonnie McCaig as Secretary.   

Board members in attendance:  Gwen St. Clair, Glenda Garrett, Lisa Dyer, Lea Bryant, Bailey Acosta.

Board members absent: India White, Kellie Thielemann

Minutes from the previous meeting on January 12, 2023 have been approved as read.

  • Consideration and Action of Agenda Items

    1. Report presented by Vice President, Bailey Acosta.
    • Engraved bricks
      • 16 X 16 bricks discussion and needing further clarification on design and layout.
      • Marketing discussion.
    • JTX storage unit
      • Climate-controlled units and there is an elevator.  
      • First month free for non-profit.
      • $55 per month for 5 x 10 space on the 3rd floor. 
      • $71 per month if on the first floor.  
      • $75 for 10 X 10 units on 3rd floor.

    Motion:  Moved by Glenda Garrett to approve a 10 X 10 storage unit and the purchase of a lock.

    Motion carried unanimously. 

    1. Report presented by Membership Director, Glenda Garrett. 
    • Volume 1 newsletter presented and design approved.
    • Discussion of posting on JHF website and Facebook.

    1. Report presented by Treasurer, Lisa Dyer.
    • January financial statement. 
    • Discussion on categories and sub-categories for financial reports.

    1. Report presented by President, Jennifer Green.
    • Final draft of MOU with City of Justin presented and discussed.

    Motion:  Moved by Bailey Acosta to submit MOU to City of Justin Council.

    Motion carried unanimously

    1. Discussion of scheduling meetings 2nd Thursday of each month 5-6:30 p.m. moving forward.

  • Unfinished Business

  • Liability Insurance 
    • 16 x 16 engraved bricks

  • Agenda, Date and Time of Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be held March 9, at 5 pm at:

    Brookson Builders

    805 W 1st. Street

    Justin, TX  76247

    The proposed agenda for the next meeting is as follows:

    • Liability insurance
    • Access to JHF group page 
    • Thank you card design approval
    • 16 x 16 engraved bricks clarification

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm by President, Jennifer Green.

    Draft minutes submitted by Bonnie McCaig.

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