January 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Time: January 9, 2024, at 5:00 PM

Meeting Location:

Justin City Hall 

415 N College Avenue

Justin, TX  76247

The regular meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green.

Board members in attendance:  Glenda Garrett, Gwen St. Clair, Lea Bryant, India White, Kelli Thielemann, Bailey Acosta.

Active members in attendance: Rich Garrett

Associate members in attendance:  Courtney Pacheco, Karen Pacheco, Shanna Jones, Leah Mlynczyk, Shelby Vanover, Noele Ames

Visitor: Wade Walker

Minutes from the previous meeting on December 12th, 2023, were approved as read.

  1.   Consideration and Action of Agenda Items

  1. Report presented by India White, Builder Director.
  • A Special Use Purpose (SUP) is required because of the zoning change of Gaston house and surrounding property.
  • City of Justin voting anticipated April/May 2024 by City of Justin Council and 18-month deadline will therefore expire upon the signing of the SUP document.
  • Until SUP vote, cannot proceed with spending any funds directly on the Gaston house project.  Meeting with JHF and landscape architect, Eric Garrison, pending.  A plan is required for the City of Justin to sign the SUP.
  • Discussion of a “Builder’s Corner” into a JHF monthly newsletter including upcoming events, membership news, etc. and distributed online.

  1. Report presented by Jennifer Green, President.
  • Discussed Gaston house concerns and plan to fix roof tarping and repair of chain link fence around the house.
  • Discussion of shifting focus on other impactful City of Justin projects pending SUP vote by City of Justin Council.
  • JT tractor special renovation project discussed. 
  • Part list and research to be provided by Rich Garrett.
  • Windmill project to be researched by Lea Bryant
  • Jennifer Green has been temporarily substituting as Treasurer until annual May voting.
  • 2024 Budget discussed and any outstanding expenditures which should be under consideration.

Motion moved by Bailey Acosta to approve the Justin Heritage Foundation 2024 budget with the addition of $500 for the historical department for proper organization/storage of historic artifacts and $200 for  storage and educational materials for “ Museum in a Box.” 

Motion carried unanimously. 

  • Casino night meeting reminder on 1/16/24 at Brookson Builders at 5 pm to plan 2024 fundraiser. 

  1. Report presented by Gwen St. Clair, Historic Director.
  • Discussion of pending projects. 
    • Spotlight with the homeowner of historical homes once a month.
      • Post photos and information online.
    • Discussion on historical photos and artifacts need to be recorded and stored properly.

  1. Report by Glenda Garrett, Membership Director.

 14 active members eligible for May voting on board positions.

  1. Report by Lea Bryant, Resource Development Director.
  • City of Justin Economic Development Corporation and Community Development Corporation (EDC/CDC) update from November 16, 2023, meeting regarding fencing project with decorative arch introducing the Gaston house and surrounding property ($14K - $15K estimated).  
  • JHF would be reimbursed, if approved by City of Justin EDC/CDC at the February 2024 meeting. 
  • Lea Bryant will attend this meeting and will add an additional covered pavilion estimated at $15K and other items i.e. picnic bench, historic signage, landscaping etc. to the request.

  • Agenda, Date and Time of Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be held on February 13, 2024, at 5:00 pm 

    Brookson Builders 

    805 W 1st Street

    Justin, TX  76247

    The proposed agenda for the next meeting is as follows:

    • Special projects update 
      • JT tractor renovation 
      • 80 ft windmill project 
    • Casino fundraiser update 
    • SUP update
    • May 2024 Ice Cream Social
    • iPad and postage meter update
    • Historical subcommittee
    • Update Bylaws regarding Justin Heritage Foundation Board positions

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm by President, Jennifer Green.

    Draft minutes submitted by Bonnie McCaig.

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