Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date and Time: March 9, 2023, at 5:00 PM
Meeting Location:
Brookson Builders
805 W 1st Street
Justin, TX 76247
The regular meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green with Bonnie McCaig as Secretary.
Board members in attendance: Gwen St. Clair, Glenda Garrett, Lisa Dyer, Lea Bryant, Bailey Acosta, Kellie Thielman.
Board members absent: India White
Guests: Molly Deussen, Courtney Pacheco, Brooks White
Minutes from the previous meeting on February 2, 2023, have been approved as read.
- Report presented by Treasurer, Lisa Dyer.
- February financial statement update, which includes engraved brick purchases.
- Goal is to have categories, budgetary items organized.
- Discussion on filing of taxes.
- Report presented by President, Jennifer Green.
- Discussion of liability insurance and is currently out for quotes.
- Discussion of JHF MOU and City of Justin. Meeting on Monday 3/13/23 to discuss terms.
- Discussion of separate MOU for Gaston House.
- Discussion of JHF Facebook public page and adding a separate page for members only so can add events etc.
- Card design proposal presented by Historic Director, Gwen St. Clair.
- Thank you card design was approved.
- Report presented by Vice President, Bailey Acosta.
- Engraved bricks 16 X 16 will be $500 each for purchase.
- Discussion on design and layout of JHF engraved brick.
- Report presented by Membership Director, Glenda Garrett.
- New membership update and welcome letters signed.
- Discussion of membership criteria and upcoming renewal letters.
- Report presented by Resource Development Director, Lea Bryant.
- Discussion on cookbook and Google form.
- Discussion of photo contest and coordinating a fundraiser event on Gaston house grounds.
- Discussion of judges and prizes.
- Google forms.
- Discussion of next steps on Gaston House.
- Clean up day April 16th.
- Board up windows etc.
- Remove items to storage.
The next meeting will be held April 13, at 5 pm at:
Brookson Builders
805 W 1st Street
Justin, TX 76247
The proposed agenda for the next meeting are as follows:
- Liability Insurance Quotes
- MOU with City of Justin
- MOU regarding Gaston house
- Engraved bricks
- May Ice Cream Social Event
The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 pm by President, Jennifer Green.
Draft minutes submitted by Bonnie McCaig.