November 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Time: November 10, 2022, at 5:00 PM

Meeting Location:


The regular meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green  acting as secretary.   

Board members in attendance:  India White, Glenda Garrett, Lea Bryant, Lisa Dyer, Kelli Thielemann, Gwen St. Clair

Board members absent: Bailey Acosta, Bonnie McCaig

Guest: Candance Parker 

Minutes from the previous meeting on October 13, 2022, have been approved as read.

  • Consideration and Action of Agenda Items

    1. Report presented by President, Jennifer Green.
    • Business Card Printing - All prices are plus shipping
      • 100-$26
      • 250 - $35
      • 500 - $41 
      • Motion:  Lea Bryant made a motion to order 500 business cards. 
      • Motion carried unanimously.
    • Double sided Cardstock Documents for Holiday Gift Tour $77.90 plus shipping docu copies
    • Tri Fold Brochures already folded $115 from docu copies
      • Lisa Dyer Realty $200, Lea Bryant Art $50, and Brookson builders $100 are making financial contributions for the printing of Gift Tour and Pamphlets for membership. 

    Motion:  Glenda Garrett made a motion for sponsorship of printing of Membership and Holiday brochure for the total of $350.

    Motion carried unanimously.

    • Cookie Crawl Tickets 58 Sold
    • Holiday Gift Tour Tickets 60 Sold

    1. Report presented by Lea Bryant 
    • NISD craft fair update and new members signed up 
    • Need to make black t-shirts, and larger sizes in the red shirts
    • Mugs and ornaments
    • Send an email to new members notifying of  volunteer opportunities. 
    • Bake sale in conjunction with Justin Old Town Christmas event. 

    1. Treasurer, Lisa Dyer. 
    • Presented a treasurer's report

    1. Report presented by Marketing and Security Director, Kelli Thielmann.

    1. Report presented by Membership Director, Glenda Garrett.

    1. Report presented by Historic Director, Gwen St. Clair.

  • Report presented by Builder Director, India White.

  • Unfinished Business

    • Discussion of MOU

  • Agenda, Date and Time of Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be held 

    The proposed agenda for the next meeting is as follows:

    • MOU and agreement with City of Justin regarding engraved bricks.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 pm by President, Jennifer Green.

    Draft minutes submitted by Jennifer Green.

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