Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date and Time: October 13, 2022, at 5:00 PM
Meeting Location:
Brookson Builders
805 W 1st. Street
Justin, TX 76247
The regular meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green with Bonnie McCaig as Secretary.
Board members in attendance: India White, Glenda Garrett, Bailey Acosta, Lisa Dyer, Kelli Thielemann, Gwen St. Clair
Board members absent: Lea Bryant
Minutes from the previous meeting on September 14, 2022, have been approved as read.
- Report presented by President, Jennifer Green.
- Deed for Gaston House was received by City of Justin and is under review.
- Opportunity to help with a Victorian house.
- Non-profit paperwork is ready to file. Application fee is $600.
Motion: Moved by Lisa Dyer to approve $600 for filing of non-profit application.
Motion carried unanimously.
- Printing:
- Discussion of purchasing 8-foot JHF banner for $27.
- Membership pamphlets 250 copies for $139.
- Discussion of purchasing 2 books of stamps, 24 total.
Motion: Made by Lisa Dyer to purchase banner for $27, 250 copies of membership fliers for
$139 and 2 books of stamp for $24. Total $190 + tax.
Motion carried unanimously.
- Report presented by Treasurer, Lisa Dyer.
- Financial balance discussed and deposits are pending.
- Report presented by Marketing and Security Director, Kelli Thielmann.
- Tik Tok video has been uploaded advertising Gaston House.
- Report presented by Membership Director, Glenda Garrett.
- $240 proceeds to JHF from garage sale.
- Membership information updated on JHF website.
- Welcome letter to JHF finalized.
- Report presented by Historic Director, Gwen St. Clair.
- Further discussion of assisting library with archiving historic documents.
- Discussed opportunity for historical marker at Justin Lodge No. 963 on Highway 156.
- Original screen door from old stone house on 3rd Street being renovated by Brookson Builders was donated to original homeowners.
- Report presented by Vice President, Bailey Acosta
- Discussion of council meeting on10/11/22 incorporating engraved bricks into the City of Justin design plan.
- Discussion of MOU
The next meeting will be held November 10, 2022, at 5 pm at:
Brookson Builders
805 W 1st. Street
Justin, TX 76247
The proposed agenda for the next meeting is as follows:
- MOU and agreement with City of Justin regarding engraved bricks.
- Printing budget, business cards etc.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm by President, Jennifer Green.
Draft minutes submitted by Bonnie McCaig.