Once you have become a member of the Justin Heritage Foundation, the opportunities are endless! Pick 1 or 2 areas of focus, and join in on the efforts to help us maintain the historic Gems of Justin! The following areas are focus points for us, where volunteers will be needed to form the committees! These committees will hold their own meetings in addition to our general meetings.
Membership - Led by Glenda Garrett
The focus of this committee will be the membership side of our organization. From recruiting new members, to developing newsletters for the membership!
Resource Development- Led by Lea Ann Bryant
One of our biggest needs is resource development! People, and companies that can help further our cause by allocating donations of materials, supplies and people. This group is also responsible for the market setup and community engagement as well as special events.
Historic - Led by Gwen St Clair
This team will stay focused on the historic aspects of the organization. They will be the key leaders in researching anything. And be the POC between us and other historical organizations.
Marketing - Led by Kelli Thielemann
What's an organization without some marketing? This team's focus will be on social media and marketing areas!
Builder - Led by India White
The focus of this team will be geared towards any projects that require contractors, or a hands on approach. We anticipate this group will help us collect bids, and bring to the table expertise around anything in the construction process!
Are you ready to become a part of the foundation? Join us now by purchasing your associate membership, and joining us at the next general meeting.